I’m not gonna lie, November has been a nightmare. Between getting sick, the never ending darkness and my usual hectic schedule I’ve barely had any inspiration to create. While most people are counting down to Christmas, I’m also counting down the days to winter solstice. I find comfort in knowing that the days will slowly start to get longer.
One D.I.Y. project that I managed to finish during this darkness is this fun canvas tote. I’ve made a few canvas totes for friends this year and now I finally made one for myself. I made it with double handles ’cause I can never decide on the right strap/handle length. If they’re too short you can’t get your arm through for shoulder carrying, if they’re too long the tote hits the ground if it’s hand held. Aaaah, the joy of making things to fit your own weird requirements!
As for the fabric, I used this marvellous superman print I bought a while ago. It brought back memories of watching Lois & Clark with my brothers when we were kids. It’s definitely going to cheer me up during this dark winter.